Donate for barzili medical center

Hope Rebuilt

Support Our War-Torn Hospital

Dear customers,

As you are aware, we are currently facing an unexpected and unprecedented attack on the Israeli south, resulting in hundreds of dead and thousands injured, amongst them many children, women, and innocent people. That’s as well as more than a hundred Israelis kidnapped into Gaza strip by Hamas and terrorist organizations.

In light of these events, we would like to ask you to give us a hand in this unfortunate and tragic struggle to care the wounded and injured.

The wounded have arrived at various hospitals in the south of Israel, including Barzilai Hospital.

Donate for barzili medical center

Hope Rebuilt

Support Our War-Torn Hospital

Dear customers,

As you are aware, we are currently facing an unexpected and unprecedented attack on the Israeli south, resulting in hundreds of dead and thousands injured, amongst them many children, women, and innocent people. That’s as well as more than a hundred Israelis kidnapped into Gaza strip by Hamas and terrorist organizations.

In light of these events, we would like to ask you to give us a hand in this unfortunate and tragic struggle to care the wounded and injured.

The wounded have arrived at various hospitals in the south of Israel, including Barzilai Hospital.

israel under attack

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Barzilai Medical Center is a district hospital located in Ashkelon, south of Israel. Its’ location close to the southern border of Israel with Gaza strip makes it both a target of rocket attack by Hamas and a vital role in treating wounded soldiers and terror victims. Its’ history speaks of a heroic and resolute spirit, where during the 2008 Gaza war, the hospital couldn’t provide medical care, forcing it to evict up to 80% of its patients to other hospitals.

Today, Barzilai Medical Center boasts around 557 hospital beds, 60-day hospital beds, and 46 newborn cradles. While it’s been treating patients from around the Palestinian Authority, there are only 280 guarded hospital beds, which is only around half its total hospital beds. This situation poses a severe risk to the hospital and the people it serves. Despite this, Barzilai Medical Center continues to rise above the challenges and continues to remain dedicated and committed to its mission.

At October 8th 2023, during the massive terror attack from Gaza into Israel, there has been a direct hit on the hospital from Gaza. The hospital corridor has been damaged, though no people were hurt.

VIDEO: Barzilai Hospital spokeswoman

VIDEO: Barzilai Hospital spokeswoman

October 8th 2023,
during the massive terror attack from Gaza into Israel,
there has been a direct hit on the hospital from Gaza.

The hospital corridor has been damaged, though no people were hurt

It is a tragic day in Israel as we hear of the battles and massacres taking place in southern Israeli cities and communities. In the wake of such horrific violence, more than 230 wounded have been evacuated to the hospital, with up to 40 people in serious condition. It is devastating to hear that the patients and staff at the hospital are in danger due to the lack of shielding. The hospital’s CEO, Hezi Levi, has shared that 15 million Israeli Shekels are needed to complete the shielding.

A 1M$ Campaign to Restore a War-Torn Hospital


We implore you to contribute and
donate for this cause.

Innocent civilians, including children and women, should not have to fear for their lives when receiving medical treatment.

As a community, we need to come together to support the shielding of the hospital and the protection of its staff and patients in the face of terrorism. Our hearts go out to those affected by this tragic day and we must take action to ensure that everyone, no matter their religion or ethnicity, can receive proper medical care and safety. We appreciate your support and mobilization for this difficult struggle at these times.

The details are as follows:

US Dollar Bank Account:

Branch: 926 Leumi Bank
Account Number: 1301500

Israeli Shekels Bank Account:

Branch: 926 Leumi Bank
Account number: 1301580

If you want a receipt for your much appreciated donation, please contact us.

Thank you.